
The 101s of Office Restroom Cleaning

March 9, 2023 by maidwhiz

How to properly clean an office bathroomRegularly tidying up an office bathroom is essential to maintain a hygienic and healthy workplace environment. A spotless bathroom not only provides a pleasant experience to employees and clients but also minimizes the spread of germs and bacteria. 

Most businesses in Ramapo, NY choose to maintain their space by hiring professionals for regular janitorial services. Still, some business owners may choose to take care of their space themselves or need tips on how to keep it tidy from one appointment to another. 

How to properly clean an office bathroom?

Here are some steps to properly clean an office bathroom:

  1. Gather Cleaning Supplies: Before starting the process, gather all the necessary supplies such as gloves, disinfectant, toilet bowl products, glass spray, paper towels, trash bags, and a mop.
  2. Clear the Bathroom: Remove all the personal items and trash from the bathroom to make it easier to scrub down. 
  3. Clean the Toilets: First, apply the toilet bowl product to the inside of the toilet bowl and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a toilet brush to scrub the inside of the bowl, including the rim and under the seat. After that, wipe down the outside of the toilet with a disinfectant, including the seat, lid, base, and handle.
  4. Clean the Sink and Countertop: Spray the disinfectant on the sink and countertop, and then wipe them down with a fresh cloth. Pay special attention to the faucet handles and other frequently touched surfaces.
  5. Wipe Down the Mirrors: Spray glass spray on the mirrors and wipe them down with a clean cloth or paper towel. Make sure to wipe down the edges and corners of the mirrors thoroughly.
  6. Mop the Floors: Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove any debris. Then, use a mop and disinfectant solution to mop the entire floor. Pay attention to the corners and edges, as these are areas that can accumulate dirt and grime.
  7. Empty Trash and Refill Supplies: Replace the trash bags and make sure all the waste is disposed of properly. Also, refill any supplies such as toilet paper, hand soap, and paper towels.
  8. Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces: Wipe down all high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, and hand dryers with a disinfectant to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.
  9. Wash Hands and Remove Gloves: After completing the process, it is essential to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Also, remove the gloves and dispose of them properly.

ramapo ny janitorial servicesProper cleaning and disinfecting of an office bathroom are crucial to maintain a healthy and safe work environment. By following these steps, you can ensure that your office bathroom is fresh and hygienic, providing a pleasant experience for employees and clients alike. Additionally, it’s important to establish a regular cleanup schedule with professionals and train employees on how to maintain the cleanliness in between appointments. 

Where in Ramapo, NY, can I book reliable janitorial services?

At MaidWhiz, we take pride in providing our clients with exceptional service that goes beyond just surface cleaning. We believe that a clean and organized environment is essential to a productive and healthy lifestyle. 

Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest equipment and techniques, according to industry standards, to ensure that your business space sparkles. We also offer customizable plans that cater to your specific needs and preferences, allowing us to provide a tailored experience that meets your unique requirements. 

Whether you need a detailed kitchen cabinet cleanup, a bathroom scrub-down, a thorough office fridge wipe-down or a special focus on your kitchen countertop, we can adjust the service to your needs. While our pros work away, feel free to take a walk to Harmony Hall and come back to a fresh space. With our commitment to excellence, you can trust that your space will be in good hands when you hire us. Reach out today!