
Guide to Cleaning Your Kitchen in Under 15 Minutes

September 30, 2021 by maidwhiz

Kitchens can certainly become among the messiest parts of any given household, especially if you have a big family or a busy working schedule. But does cleaning a messy kitchen always have to take a lot of time?

Getting professional house cleaning services in Lodi, NJ, is a certified time saver, but what’s the easiest way to do it on your own? 

Luckily for you, whether you’re preparing your home for guests or simply want to improve your house cleaning skills, we’ve gathered a list of tried and true kitchen cleaning hacks that will help you clean your kitchen in no time! Keep reading to learn more!

What is the fastest way to clean a dirty kitchen?What is the fastest way to clean a dirty kitchen

The key to cleaning a kitchen really fast is being well organized and resourceful. Here are some tips:

  • Tidy up and collect the rubbish.
  • Soak caked-on dishes and small kitchen tools, apply cleaning agents to heavily soiled surfaces and let them sit.
  • While you wait for the cleaning agents to work, clean the rest of the surfaces.
  • If you don’t own heavy-duty commercial cleaners, use baking soda, vinegar, and table salt to make cleaning solutions.

What are some kitchen cleaning hacks?

Here are some useful cleaning hacks that will make your cleaning routines faster and easier:

1. Clean your oven while you sleep

Remove the racks and cover your oven’s problem areas with a baking soda and water paste. Avoid getting the mixture onto the heating elements. Leave the paste to work over night, while you sleep. All you’ll need to do the next morning is wipe the surface with a wet cloth, spray the inside with white vinegar, and wipe again.

2. Clean from top to bottom

If you’re tempted to start cleaning the first thing that attracts your attention, think again! Cleaning can be messy, and not having a method can result in having to clean the same surfaces multiple times. So, start by cleaning the countertops first and leave the floors for the end. 

3. Keep your cleaning supplies together

To avoid having to run from one room to another to get your cleaning supplies, try storing them all together. Cleaning caddies can be very useful – you have all the products in one place and you can move them from room to room easily. If you don’t own one, simply fill a plastic bucket with the most essential cleaning tools and supplies.

4. Use the dishwasher to sanitize small kitchen tools

Dishwashers can be a great tool for sanitizing anything from silicone drying racks and sponges to range grates (as long as these are not made of cast iron). To wash small items, such as bottle tops, just put them in a mesh bag and place them on the top rack of your dishwasher.

5. Scrub your cooktop with a DIY paste

Scrub your cooktop clean with a paste of baking soda and table salt. Mix baking soda, table salt and just enough water to make an abrasive paste. Apply it to the surface with a steel wool pad, scrub, then wipe the paste off with a clean wet sponge or cloth.

Where can I book a reliable house cleaning service in Lodi, NJ

Where can I book a reliable house cleaning service in Lodi, NJ?

If you’d love a sparkling clean home at the snap of your fingers, our experienced cleaners would be more than pleased to help. At MaidWhiz, you can count on our team of dedicated, trained, and meticulous cleaners to rid your home of all traces of dirt.

We bring our own non-toxic cleaning supplies and HEPA-sealed vacuum cleaners that guarantee to turn your home into a safe, healthy, dust and allergen-free environment everyone would wish for. 

Spend the day at the Saddle River County Park, while our professionals do their work. Contact us today!