
Household Toxins 101: What Are the 3 Most Toxic Items in Your House?

September 29, 2020 by maidwhiz

What are the most toxic things in your home?No one wishes to be exposed to dangerous chemicals, let alone come into contact with these substances on a daily basis. Unfortunately for us, the chemical safety regulations in the US leave a lot to be desired. This results in people unknowingly buying and bringing toxic items into their homes all the time.

In an effort to help you maintain a healthy home that’s free of harmful chemicals, we’ve written a list of the 3 most common household items that have been shown to contain various toxins and other unhealthy ingredients.

Luckily, you don’t have to dispose of all these items during your next house cleaning, or have them disposed of by cleaning pros if you use a maid service in Hackensack, NJ. Read on to learn how to greatly reduce the amount of toxins you bring into your home in the first place.

What are the most toxic things in your home?

Since all houses are different, and people generally buy different things, it’s impossible to provide a universal answer to this question. However, nearly every home contains at least a few items that aren’t good for your health.

Here are the top 3 most toxic items in American households:

  • Microwave popcorn is often made using artificial butter flavors that contain dangerous chemicals like pentanedione.
  • Water bottles. Common water bottles can contain BPS (Bisphenol S) and BPA (Bisphenol A). These substances can endanger the health of babies and small children. A reusable stainless steel or glass water bottle is a far safer option.
  • Plastic food containers. Unlike tin foil, ceramic containers, and glass jars, plastic has been shown to contain phthalates. Phthalates can cause insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and birth defects. Always take your food out of the plastic container before warming it up in the microwave.

How to reduce toxins in your home?

Even if you never use any of the items in the above list, there’s still a strong possibility that you’re regularly bringing in various toxins and germs into your home without being aware of it. The good news is, it’s possible to avoid this entirely.

Consider doing some or all of the following:

No shoes indoors

Your shoes automatically pick up all kinds of toxins when you’re walking outside. For this reason, you should remove them as soon as you enter your house. Get a pair of comfy slippers to wear while you’re indoors.

Use homemade cleaning products

Why use commercial cleaning supplies when lemon juice, vinegar, and baking soda are highly effective when it comes to household cleaning? If you don’t feel like mixing the solutions yourself, there are quality green cleaning products for all types of home cleaning.

As long as you get them from a trusted manufacturer, green cleaning products will be just as effective as regular ones regardless of whether you’re washing window sills or mopping floors.

Go zero-waste

Going zero-waste protects not just the environment, but your own health as well. If going 100% zero-waste isn’t possible for you, consider at least going plastic-free.

Where can I hire the finest maid service in Hackensack, NJ?

How to reduce toxins in your home?Getting rid of all toxic items in your home is a great way to avoid severe health issues, but an even more reliable way to remain healthy is by making sure your home is spotless and germ-free at all times. This is where MaidWhiz comes in.

Whether you need a general home cleaning or a specialized cleaning service such as window washing, the top cleaning company in Hackensack has got you covered. We’ll gladly deal with your cleaning needs while you relax with your loved ones or enjoy an afternoon at The Shops at Riverside. Call us today.