
Introduction to Cleaning Product Safety

May 10, 2023 by maidwhiz

Cleaning products are essential for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in our homes, workplaces, and public spaces. In fact, there’s a wide array of such products implemented by numerous professional Hackensack maids across the area. However, the pros know how to properly use them.

If used incorrectly or disposed improperly, they can pose a risk to our health and the environment. With so many cleaning products available on the market, it can be difficult to determine which ones are safe to use.

So, how do you know if a cleaning product is safe?

How do you know if a cleaning product is safe?

Home maintenance is a deceivingly easy task. All you have to do is grab a product, a brush or a mop, and get cracking. However, with so many potentially harmful chemicals out there, it’s essential to be familiar with the appropriate safety practices you should follow when cleaning your home. Here’s what you need to pay attention to.

Look for safety labels and certifications

The first step in determining if a cleaning product is safe is to look for safety labels and certifications. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all disinfectants and sanitizers to be registered with the agency. Look for the EPA registration number on the label, which indicates that the product has been tested and approved for safety and efficacy.

Other safety labels and certifications to look for include the Safer Choice label and the Green Seal certification. The Safer Choice label indicates that the product has been formulated with safer ingredients and is less harmful to human health and the environment. The Green Seal certification is awarded to products that meet environmental and performance standards.

Read the label and ingredient list

The label and ingredient list can provide valuable information about the safety of a cleaning product. Look for products that provide a full list of ingredients, rather than using vague terms like “proprietary blend” or “fragrance.” This can help you identify any potentially harmful ingredients.

Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals like ammonia, bleach, and phthalates, which can cause respiratory irritation and other health problems. Look for products that use natural, plant-based ingredients instead.

Consider the intended use of the product

Consider the intended use of the product when determining its safety. Some cleaning products, such as disinfectants and sanitizers, are designed to kill bacteria and viruses and may contain stronger chemicals than other cleaning products. However, these products should still be used according to the label instructions and precautions should be taken to avoid contact with skin and eyes.

Use the product safely and correctly

Even if a cleaning product is labeled as harmless, it is still important to use it safely and correctly. Always read and follow the label instructions, wear gloves and protective clothing when necessary, and avoid mixing different cleaning products which can create dangerous chemical reactions.Which Hackensack maids should I hire for a professional home cleaning service

Which Hackensack maids should I hire for a professional home cleaning service?

Minding the safety of your cleaning products is essential, especially if you’re performing comprehensive housekeeping in a home with kids. This is especially true when choosing a product to use for wiping your floors and getting them spotless, as there are plenty of harsh chemical agents potentially harmful to both your floors and your family and pets. Also, if you’re concerned about product safety, you might want to consider introducing eco-friendly methods into your routine.

Or, better yet, you should consider hiring professionals to help you, and there’s always one name you can count on – MaidWhiz. Our company performs a range of expertise-based services, including basic home maintenance and cleaning as well as thorough deep cleaning and other niche services. It makes no difference if your home is near Borg’s Woods Natural Preserve or another location in or near Hackensack, we’re here to help you out. All you need to do is give us a call.