
3 Unusual Cleaning Hacks That Actually Work

April 29, 2021 by maidwhiz

Cleaning your home can sometimes be very exhausting. Many people think maintaining a house is an easy task, but in reality, it can be a tricky job, especially when you don’t have spare time. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Luckily, you can always leave chores to a professional maid service provider in Elmwood Park or the area.

However, whether you decide to hire a professional maid service or learn some time-saving and practical speed cleaning tricks, you should bear a few tips in mind for better results. For instance, you should try to avoid some common cleaning mistakes. Also, over-cleaning your space is very much possible and it can even cause damage to some of your household surfaces, which is why it’s important to be mindful of that as well.

So, whenever you’re strapped for time, these easy and effective tricks can be just what you need for giving your home a fresh look.

What are some cleaning hacks?

What are some cleaning hacksIn order to have a clean home fast, you’ll need to start with separate rooms and avoid some usually missed areas when cleaning. By following a few easy steps, your home can be neat and fresh in no time.

What’s more, even if you decide to hire a professional cleaning company, you can use these speed cleaning tips at any time. Remember, your home needs some basic daily maintenance so it can stay clean until your next scheduled housekeeping appointment.

1. Use lemons to sanitize kitchen garbage disposal

Do you know that unpleasant odor that spreads throughout your whole house? Very often it can be the result of neglected kitchen surfaces and garbage disposal. Well, you can easily prevent this in just one easy step. The secret ingredient is the all-mighty fresh lemon. So, all you have to do is to:

  • Slice a few lemons and place them into ice cube molds.
  • Fill the molds with vinegar, but do not dilute.
  • Place the trays in the freezer.
  • Every few days place a handful of frozen lemon cubes into the garbage disposal and run until dissolved.
  • Enjoy the newly fresh scent.

2. Remove wax stains from a carpet

If by any chance you have a few candle drips on your carpet, all you need to remove them is an iron, some newspaper, and a bit of patience for a like-new carpet look. You’ll need to:

  • Place a piece of newspaper over the wax stain and place the iron onto the paper.
  • After a few seconds, lift the iron. The wax should’ve started to melt into the paper.
  • Once the wax is melted, use some fresh piece of newspaper so the wax doesn’t end up onto your iron.
  • Repeat the process until all wax is removed, and be patient. It may take some time to complete the cleaning.

3. Keep the bathroom mirror and shower door fog-free

Do you hate it when your mirror gets all fogged up after a hot, steamy shower? Well, you’re not alone. Luckily, there is an easy trick to solve this issue.

  • Apply a thin shaving cream layer to the bathroom mirror.
  • Wipe it off, and polish it until it’s clean and sparkly.
  • You can use this tip for your glass shower door and car windshields too!

How can I make cleaning easier and faster?

It all depends on whether you have enough time to do it yourself or need some professional assistance. One of the simplest and easiest ways is to reach out to professionals. Many people opt for some side help to ensure the proper hygiene of their homes, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is nothing wrong if you want to maintain your house on your own, but there is also nothing wrong if you want to free up your schedule and take some time for the finer things in life. In the end, it’s really a matter of personal preference.

Where to find a trusted maid service provider in Elmwood Park?

How can I make cleaning easier and fasterCall MaidWhiz cleaning service! As a resident of Elmwood Park, you have the privilege to choose the right maid service. So, contact us, and we will provide you with some well-trained professionals who can keep your home sparkling clean. You can visit our website for more detailed information and have your house tidy in no time. The only thing you’ll need to do is try to implement some recycling practices to keep the neighborhood clean. Contact us today!