
8 Essential Cleaning Tools

October 29, 2021 by maidwhiz

Cleaning can be painstakingly difficult when you lack the tools to tackle all the tasks. But what tools must you have in order to get your home to really shine? 

Whether you’re wondering how to go about cleaning your kitchen real fast or you want to make your home presentable before guests arrive, owning a set of versatile equipment you can depend on is key. 

To help you take care of your home in Lodi, we’ve put together a list of the essential cleaning tools that even a professional maid service can’t go without. Keep reading to find out what they are and how to use them to make your house cleaning more effective.

What tools should be used when cleaningWhat tools should be used when cleaning?

The key to building the most effective household cleaning toolkit is picking out products that are effective, multifunctional, and easy to maintain. Here’s a list of some indispensable tools that will help you scrub your home from top to bottom: 

  1. Rubber gloves 
  2. Sponges with an abrasive side
  3. Microfiber cloths
  4. White washcloths 
  5. A scrub brush
  6. A mop and a bucket 
  7. A broom and a dustpan 
  8. A vacuum cleaner

How do you use cleaning tools?

Here’s a quick rundown on how you can use these handy items in your routine:

  • Rubber gloves are your first line of defense against germs, chemical burns and skin irritation. Use them to protect your hands from hot water and detergent when washing the dishes to prevent your skin from being exposed to dangerous cleaning chemicals. They can also protect you against acidic components of DIY cleaners.
  • Sponges with an abrasive side are absolutely necessary when you need to tackle messes that need scrubbing. Think sinks, tubs, shower trays, and all the caked-on kitchen surfaces. Just make sure to rinse and sanitize them thoroughly after using and to replace them regularly. A good rule of thumb is to do so every two weeks.
  • Microfiber cloths are designed to be gentle on the surfaces and pick up any dirt, however small. They trap dust particles instead of just moving them around or dispensing them into the air. Use them to wipe countertops and appliances, polish glass and remove pet hair from clothing.
  • White washcloths are easy to maintain and quick to show signs of dirt. You don’t have to worry about them losing color, so you can sanitize and bleach them anytime you need. They can be used to clean virtually anything, but their biggest advantage is that they don’t bleed colors. Use them to tackle carpet and upholstery stains and wipe stains from walls.
  • A scrub brush comes in handy when sponges and washcloths can’t do the work.
  • A mop and a bucket set is indispensable in cleaning hard floors. But mops can be immensely useful in cleaning wall tiles too, especially the ones with telescopic handles. Fill the bucket with your cleaning supplies and use it as a cleaning caddy.
  •  A broom and a dustpan save the day when you need to clean smaller surfaces or pick up larger particles like bits of popcorn or broken glass without damaging your vacuum. 
  • A vacuum cleaner is a staple when it comes to keeping dust and allergens at bay. Look for one with multiple attachments, so you can use it to clean various surfaces and crevices.  

How do you use cleaning toolsWhere in Lodi can I get a dependable maid service?

Getting tired of thinking about what supplies to get and how to use them? With MaidWhiz, you won’t have to worry about that – our trusted technicians will come to your doorstep carrying their own. 

At MaidWhiz, we use only non-toxic and eco-friendly tools and products that guarantee the safety of your family and pets. Our water-based steam mops and HEPA-sealed vacuum cleaners will rid your home of harmful germs and allergens and turn it into a spotless safe haven you deserve.

Spend the day at Dahnert’s Lake County Park while our professionals take care of your home. Schedule your appointment today!