
8 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Bedroom

June 2, 2023 by maidwhiz

A clean, organized bedroom can be your sanctuary, a place where you retreat at the end of the day for rest and rejuvenation. However, keeping it tidy can be more challenging than it seems at first glance. It’s not just about shoving things into drawers or running a duster around every now and then. A proper bedroom cleaning requires strategy, time, and attention to detail. 

Many of us, even with the best intentions, tend to fall into certain traps that can make the job more difficult, or even leave our spaces less slick than when we started. That’s why having a proven team of specialists can make the difference, whether you need commercial cleaning services for your office or factory space in Paramus, NJ, or recurring housekeeping. Which mistakes do people usually make when cleaning their bedroom

Which mistakes do people usually make when cleaning their bedroom?

Given the crucial role bedrooms play in our lives, they deserve to be kept in their best possible state. While bedroom tidying up can seem like a straightforward task, there are common pitfalls that many of us fall into, which can prolong the process or even make our rooms less neat than when we started. To help you make the most of your time, here are 8 common mistakes to avoid when tackling your bedroom.

Not having a cleaning plan

Kicking off without a plan can quickly lead to an unproductive cycle of stopping and starting, which can take up more time than necessary. Before you begin, identify which areas need the most attention, what supplies you’ll need, and in what order you’ll clean. This will help you stay on track and avoid wasted time or effort.

Skipping decluttering before cleaning

Cleaning around clutter doesn’t make your room neater; it merely rearranges the mess. Before you start dusting or vacuuming, take time to declutter your room. Remove items that don’t belong in the bedroom, organize your belongings, and clear surfaces. This will make the actual process smoother and more effective.

Not cleaning top to bottom

When dusting and sanitizing, always start from the top and work your way down. This ensures that dust and debris from higher surfaces won’t fall onto already cleaned areas below. Begin with ceiling fans or high shelves, then move to furniture and other items at lower levels, and finally, the floor.

Overlooking frequently touched areas

Items like light switches, doorknobs, remote controls, and drawer handles are often neglected during the smartening up process, despite being hotspots for germs. Remember to clean and disinfect these areas regularly.

Using too much cleaning product

More isn’t always better, especially when it comes to cleaning products. Using too much can result in sticky, residue-coated surfaces that attract more dust and dirt. Always follow the recommended usage instructions on the product and remember: a little often goes a long way.

Not maintaining cleaning tools

Your cleaning tools can become a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria if not wiped and maintained regularly. Always take care of your equipment after use and replace items like mop heads, vacuum bags, and microfiber cloths as needed. This will help ensure your tools are working at their best and not spreading more dirt around.

Ignoring the bed

Your bed, especially your mattress, can harbor dust mites, dead skin cells, and other allergens, which can affect the overall cleanliness of your room and even impact your health. Make it a habit to wash your bed linens weekly in hot water, and consider investing in a mattress cover that’s resistant to allergens. Also, don’t forget to flip or rotate your mattress every few months for even wear.

Neglecting the closet

The closet can accumulate dust, dirt, and musty odors, which can then permeate the rest of your room. When cleaning your room, take the time to declutter your closet, remove items you no longer need or wear, and tackle the inside thoroughly. Regularly vacuum the closet floor, dust the shelves, and consider using a deodorizer to keep the closet smelling fresh. commercial cleaning service paramus nj

Where can I find a dependable commercial cleaning service in Paramus, NJ?

Let MaidWhiz experienced cleaners who are privy to all the expert pointers for bedroom decluttering and equipped with the finest bedroom spiffing up equipment and products and you’ll enjoy all the benefits of a clean bedroom while having the privilege to use your spare time any way you please.

Feel free to take your toddlers on a field trip to the Easton Tower and enjoy the sunny outdoors while we’re going above and beyond to spruce up your house, apartment, office, or store. Make full use of your free time knowing that you can always rely on our expertise. Call us today!