
Office Hygiene 101: Why You Need a Germ-free Workspace

September 1, 2020 by maidwhiz

How do you maintain personal hygiene in the workplace?It’s an unfortunate and scary reality that the coronavirus crisis is still going strong throughout the United States. Since we likely won’t be getting a vaccine anytime soon, there’s no telling when things will return to normal or how much long-term damage will be done to our economy.

While some lucky Americans are able to stay home and work remotely, many of us don’t have this luxury. As a result, we need to take extra care to maintain proper workplace hygiene and have our offices regularly cleaned and disinfected by trusted commercial cleaning services in Paramus.

With the above in mind, we feel it’s a good time to remind our fellow Americans of the importance of office hygiene and provide some easy-to-use tips on how to promote a healthy workplace. Read on to learn more.

Why is personal hygiene important in the workplace?

If you work a full-time job, your office is likely the only place other than your home where you spend 8 or more hours per day. In addition to that, you’re also surrounded by other people, which further increases the chance of getting exposed to harmful pathogens.

As of this writing, keeping yourself hygienic and frequently sanitizing your workstation are still the most effective ways of protecting yourself from COVID-19 and other dangerous germs. This is particularly true if your job requires you to work directly with clients.

Other reasons why workplace hygiene is vital include:

  • Bad hygiene drives away potential clients, investors, and employees.
  • Working alongside unhygienic individuals hurts morale and causes disagreements.
  • Having an unhygienic office or employees makes the entire company look unprofessional.
  • Maintaining certain hygiene standards is mandatory in some industries (eg., restaurants, grocery stores, etc.).

How do you maintain personal hygiene in the workplace?

The coronavirus (and many other diseases) is mainly spread in two ways. The first is by breathing in microscopic droplets that are released into the air when an infected individual breathes, speaks, or sneezes. The second is by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

The good news is, it’s possible to greatly reduce the risk of infection by:

  • Washing your hands as frequently as possible. Rinse them for at least 20 with soap and water.
  • Carrying hand sanitizer with you so you can still disinfect your hands if soap and water are unavailable.
  • Wiping down your workstation with disinfectant wipes as soon as you get to work.
  • Wiping down high-touch surfaces (doorknobs, handles, toilet seats, etc.) with disinfectant wipes before touching them.
  • Washing water glasses and coffee mugs before using them (or bringing your own).
  • Maintaining social distancing and wearing a face mask.
  • Avoiding direct physical contact with others (for instance, using “elbow bumps” instead of handshakes).

If you’re the manager or owner of a business, you’ll also need to hire a reputable cleaning company that can deal with your company’s day-to-day cleaning and disinfection needs. This is particularly true if your business has previously suffered a COVID-19 outbreak.

Where can I book the top commercial cleaning services in Paramus?

Why is personal hygiene important in the workplace?As the owner or manager of your company, it’s up to you to ensure your employees work in safe and sanitary conditions. Since hiring full-time janitors is rarely cost-effective, and cleaning your premises on your own is a waste of your valuable time, your best option is to outsource your office cleaning to the pros.

Here at MaidWhiz, we work with the very finest commercial cleaning experts in Paramus and the rest of Bergen County. They will gladly deal with your office cleaning while you focus on running your business or simply relaxing at the Van Saun County Park. Book your cleaning today.