
10 Efficient Cleaning Techniques for Your House

August 31, 2023 by oneclickinfo21

Keeping your house clean and tidy can sometimes feel like a never-ending task, but with the right techniques, you can transform the process into a manageable and efficient routine. From conquering clutter to tackling those hard-to-reach corners, we’ll present you with a collection of practical, time-saving techniques that will help you maintain a consistently tidy and clean home with minimal effort.  

We’ve enlisted the help of seasoned experts from house cleaning service in Bergenfield, NJ, to gather these useful tips that will save you a lot of time and money. So how do you thoroughly clean your house without getting overwhelmed? Let’s dive into the most effective ways to keep your living space in pristine condition.What is the most efficient way to clean a house

What is the most efficient way to clean a house?

Making house cleaning as efficient as possible is all about discovering the techniques that work for you and fit into your lifestyle. From quick decluttering sessions to investing in quality tools, the key is to streamline your process and create a routine that prevents chores from becoming overwhelming. This way, you can maintain a clean and comfortable home without sacrificing too much of your valuable time.

1. Start with decluttering 

Before diving into cleaning, take a few minutes to declutter. Clear countertops, tables, and floors of items that don’t belong. This not only makes cleaning easier but also gives your home an instant sense of tidiness.

2. Adopt the two-minute rule

Embrace the power of quick cleaning tasks. If you spot something that can be done in two minutes or less – like wiping down a surface or putting away a few items – do it immediately. These small actions add up and prevent chores from piling up.

3. Work from top to bottom

When tackling each room, start by dusting and cleaning higher surfaces like shelves and ceiling fans before moving downward to floors. This prevents dirt and dust from settling on freshly cleaned areas.

4. Master the microfiber cloth

These cleaning superheroes attract and trap dust, dirt, and germs without the need for excessive chemicals. You can use them for efficient and eco-friendly cleaning of various surfaces, from countertops to electronics.

5. Use the power of multi-purpose cleaners

Multi-purpose cleaners are versatile solutions that can be used on a range of surfaces, saving you time and cabinet space. If you prefer a more eco-friendly cleaning product option, you can make your own cleaning solutions using a mixture of common household ingredients. 

6. Invest in quality cleaning tools

High-quality cleaning tools like a good vacuum cleaner, mop, and duster can significantly speed up the cleaning process. Investing in durable tools ensures thorough cleaning and efficiency.

7. Use the baskets

When moving from room to room, carry a basket with you to collect items that need to be returned to their proper places. This prevents multiple trips and keeps you focused on cleaning rather than tidying.

8. Tackle one room at a time

Focus on one room before moving on to the next. This approach provides a sense of accomplishment and prevents feeling overwhelmed. You can make a checklist to help you keep track, so you can be sure that you’re completely finished with one area before moving on.

9. Use time blocks for intensive cleaning

For deep cleaning tasks, set a timer for a specific duration, like 20-30 minutes. During this time, dedicate your full attention to one task, like cleaning a bathroom for example, or tackling a messy closet. The timer creates a sense of urgency and prevents burnout.

10. Regular maintenance is key

To prevent the need for intensive cleaning sessions, establish a routine of regular maintenance. Spend a few minutes each day tidying up, wiping down surfaces, and tackling small cleaning tasks. Consistency minimizes the need for major cleanups.house cleaning service bergenfield nj

Where can I find a reliable house cleaning service in Bergenfield, NJ?

MaidWhiz offers highly experienced and dependable maid service, whether you’re looking for residential cleaning or assistance with maintaining a regular cleaning schedule for your office. You can choose from a wide range of options and create a customized checklist of cleaning tasks according to your specific needs and preferences. If sustainability is important to you, we can get you acquainted with green cleaning practices we use.

Whether your home is located in the vicinity of Hickory Field or anywhere else in Bergenfield, you can count on us to provide you with premium service across the area. Call us today!