
What’s the Most Effective Way to Improve Office Productivity?

November 30, 2020 by maidwhiz

How office space affects productivity?Being the owner or manager of a small or medium-sized company can be extremely taxing. On top of dealing with clients and partners, interviewing potential employees, and making plans for the future, you’re also responsible for making sure your work environment is clean and hygienic at all times.

The good news is, a well-organized office can significantly boost the productivity of your staff and prevent unnecessary expenditures at a later date. Keep reading to learn how to create the optimal workplace, and how a commercial cleaning service in Bergenfield, NJ, can help keep your office morale high.

How office space affects productivity?

How your office looks and feels has a major impact on your staff’s morale and ability to remain focused for extended periods of time. A sleek, modern office inspires your employees to rise to the occasion and do their best work, while a cluttered and dingy office makes them think the company has no future and is therefore not worth putting much effort in.

Your workplace should be:


Your staff should be able to easily move around without interfering with one another or tripping over desks or clutter. Communal areas such as kitchens and bathrooms should feel comfortable even while being used by multiple people.


Even small offices receive plenty of foot traffic on a daily basis. To keep germs, allergens, and toxins at a minimum, you’ll need to ensure your office is sanitized on a regular basis. This is especially important during the coronavirus crisis.


A quality office has to provide the employees with large and comfortable workstations without causing the place to feel crowded. Making shared devices such as water coolers, coffee machines, paper shredders, and printers easily accessible is crucial.

Does cleanliness affect productivity?

Cleanliness (or a lack thereof) has a massive effect on employee productivity. In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it’s practically impossible to run a successful business out of a messy office.

This is because:

  • First impressions are critical. If the first thing potential partners, investors, and clients see after entering your office is that it hasn’t been cleaned regularly, it’s highly unlikely that they will want to do business with you. After all, how successful can you be if you can’t even afford to clean your premises?
  • Cleanliness improves employee retention. People have a natural aversion to unhygienic environments. Not cleaning your office properly will cause your current workers to look for a job elsewhere and serve as a red flag for prospective employees.
  • It saves you money. Grimy, germ-ridden offices can cause your workers to get sick. In addition to taking paid leave or being less productive, some of your employees may even decide to sue you for failing to provide them with a safe work environment.
  • Cleanliness boosts morale. A spotless, well-organized workplace carries an air of professionalism and shows your staff that you care about their comfort. On the other hand, workers who have to spend a third of their workday in a dirty office will quickly start to hate their jobs.

Where can I book a dependable commercial cleaning service in Bergenfield, NJ?

Does cleanliness affect productivity?Ensuring your and your employees’ safety during these troubling times is one of the most important things you can do as the head of your company. Here at MaidWhiz, we’d like to help you out by providing you with top-of-the-line commercial cleaning services.

By outsourcing your cleaning to reputable professionals, you’ll not only be making sure your office is squeaky clean at all times, you’ll also be able to more easily focus on your other responsibilities, or just relax with a quality book from the Bergenfield Public Library. Contact us today.